Lesson 3 - "House of The Rising Sun"

Use of Backing Tracks

Lesson Summary

Main Points

1. Whilst Playing with a band or backing track it is important to keep time. This is done by tapping ones foot or by nodding your head.

2. When playing short notes it is important to begin with a slowed backing track to keep time otherwise changing notes can become overwhelming. 

What to Practice...

Practice the finger style or chord arrangement of "House of the Rising Sun" to the following attached backing tracks. Begin with the "Slow Tempo with Guitar" track, then increase difficulty by removing guitar or increasing the tempo.

Whilst Playing "The House of The Rising Sun" attempt to keep beat either by tapping your foot or nodding your head.

Download the various "House of the Rising Sun" backing tracks through the buttons below:

Slow Tempo with Guitar Slow Tempo Without Guitar Normal Tempo With Guitar Normal Tempo Without Guitar
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