So Your New to Guitar...

So you are new to guitar and you probably have no idea where to begin. Right? Or have you just decided you want lessons and need to find a qualified, friendly, affordable mentor? Maybe you are not even sure if you want to start guitar lessons. Well let me tell you: Learn Guitar. I guarantee you wont regret it. You've come this far and clearly have a desire to want to learn guitar... Why ignore it?

But you may wonder: Why should I learn guitar? The benefits are countless. Scientific research and investigations have proven that learning guitar contributes to:

- improved memory
- improved creativity
- improved discipline skills
- sharpens concentration
- improved reading skills
- improved maths skills
- helps increase confidence
- boosts multitasking abilities
- improves co-ordination and dexterity
- gives you appreciation for music
- provides a sense of accomplishment

And many more countless benefits, without even considering developing a new talent and your trained musical knowledge. Who wouldn't want these benefits for themselves?

Even if you aren't one of our students and you need help, send us a question as we are willing to help you out. Do you have a guitar? We can help you find an affordable suitable option. We are here to help you.

Where Will Learning Guitar Take You?

Do you see yourself having a musical career one day? Writing Music? Jamming? Playing at Campfires? Whatever it may be, we are here to help you achieve your dreams by holding your hand and showing you the correct path. Please don't fall for the traps of unqualified teachers (trust me there are many out there) and develop bad habits. Make sure your teacher is qualified! 

What about Online Self Taught Learning?

Although you can learn guitar on youtube, masterclasses, websites... Do you really get the same one-to-one interaction as in a class?
What happens when you learn a bad habit but theres no teacher to tell you it's incorrect? Your need to develop good habits when learning guitar. Many unqualified guitar teachers actually teach these bad habits without realising they are! These unqualified guitar teachers like to pop up on youtube, and other free platforms (I'm not saying all guitar teachers aren't qualified, just some...make sure to do your homework and double check!). 

At TomsGuitarLessons, we make it a priority to be qualified so that are well educated in our lessons. Personally, I have completed the grades (1-8) and am certified with a teaching diploma through the University of West London. I also possess a working with children check (WWCC) and have completed the Child Safe eLearning Course. 

What to do Now?

What should you do now if you want to become a successful guitarist? It's pretty simple: Get a Guitar Tutor. We want to help you become the guitarist you desire however you don't have to enrol with us. Just find a guitar tutor either online or in your area and you will start to see progress immediately. But make sure that your guitar teacher is qualified, otherwise you may as well be throwing your time and money down the drain.
Our Qualifications Get Your Free Trial Lesson
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